Technikai információk, sajtóanyagok, tanulmányok és white paper - újdonságok mindig naprakészen.


A termékinnovációktól kezdve a menedzsment hírekig és a stratégiai témákig: aktuális sajtóközleményeinkben megtalálhatja a vállalatunkkal és a megoldásainkkal kapcsolatos összes fontos háttérinformációt.


PTC now a Technology Partner in the EPLAN Partner Network

The EPLAN Partner Networks was founded in 2020, and PTC just joined it as a new technology partner. The interface…

How EPLAN is taking switchgear system manufacturing to the next level
How EPLAN is taking switchgear system manufacturing to the next level

In order for the energy transition to succeed, much more speed is required. Therefore customised solutions that simplify…

When data consistency makes the difference
When data consistency makes the difference

Admittedly, a transformer station being presented as an exhibit at the SPS is in and of itself is not terribly new.…

EPLAN and Rittal exhibit efficiency drivers for greater added value
EPLAN and Rittal exhibit efficiency drivers for greater added value

The current economic outlook is putting considerable pressure on the industry to achieve greater efficiency and cost…

Friedhelm Loh Group announces new member of the Board of Directors
Friedhelm Loh Group announces new member of the Board of Directors

The Friedhelm Loh Group is realigning its group of companies for the future. The global player, based in Haiger, Hesse,…

EPLAN Forum 2024
EPLAN Forum 2024

Transformation: Preparing Engineering for the Future

Thinking big but starting small – this is often a sensible step to…

New version of the EPLAN eBUILD software

Automating the generation of schematics leads to faster results and fewer errors. Solutions provider EPLAN has developed…

Rittal and EPLAN at the SMM 2024 in Hamburg
From the new standard in design, planning and engineering to DNV accreditations: new efficiency trends driving the maritime industry

The direction of travel for tomorrow’s maritime industry is already charted today: With systematic digitalisation,…

EPLAN Celebrates 40 Years – from Startup to Market Leader
40. születésnapját ünnepli az EPLAN – melyből több, mint 30 éve már Magyarországon is elérhető!

Igazán úttörő eredménynek számított, amikor 1984-ben megjelent egy villamosmérnöki szoftver. A szoftver az EPLAN nevet…



Interjúk, termékeink és megoldásaink bemutatói, rendezvények és munkatársi portrék: YouTube-csatornánkon minden aktuális témát megtalál.



Interjúk, termékeink és megoldásaink bemutatói, rendezvények és munkatársi portrék: YouTube-csatornánkon minden aktuális témát megtalál.


Engineering 4.0

Researchers at the E4TC in Aachen introduced an engineering workflow model (amongst other things) and prepared an evaluation matrix with five efficiency levels.

Vezérlőszekrény tervezés 4.0

Is it worth introducing automation for manufacturing and engineering processes in panel building? You’d better believe it – and for both large corporations and smaller companies.


Tanulmány “Elektromos tervezés – A digitális iker"

The white paper shows what a digital twin consists of and which disciplines and fields can work with it, with a special focus on the engineering field of designing and documenting wires and wire harnesses in 3D.

Tanulmány "Óriás méretű tervek készítése"

This white paper outlines the areas of activity which are relevant to the implementation of a modularisation and reuse concept as well as for the realisation of automated engineering processes.

Töltse le most
Birgit Hagelschuer
Phone +49 2173 3964180


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